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yard sale 〔美國〕庭院拍賣〔在住所的前后院或草坪上拍賣家中清理出的...

yard wand

Even you do not have any medical problem questions or needs , please also come it is also a good opportunity to chat with your old friends and to meet some new friends . to make our event more interest to you , the chinese united methodist church will hold a yard sale . we are looking forward to seeing you there 如果您一向精神飽滿神清氣完體健如牛,也不妨藉這個機會與老朋友碰面寒喧,或是結交一些新朋友,而且現場還有圣城華人衛理教會舉行的車庫拍賣,我們誠摯歡迎您的參與。

It took more than 60 years but the final letter of a soldier killed in world war ii finally made it home . gary mathis bought a box of old newspapers at a yard sale in kansas and discovered the letter inside a newspaper from 1915 據美聯社9月14日報道,美國人加里-馬西斯最近在堪薩斯州的一個露天集市上買了一箱舊報紙,他在其中一張1915年的報紙里發現了這封信。

Garage sale , yard sale , basement sale - whatever they ' re called and wherever they ' re held , americans are having them in ever - in - creasing numbers 汽車庫里大甩賣也好,家門口大甩賣也好,地下室大甩賣也好? ?不管叫什么名堂,也不管在哪舉辦,總之,美國人舉辦這類活動的次數是越來越多了。

Frank , that man over there wants to buy everything we are selling in the yard sale . what do you think the whole kit and caboodle should go for 法蘭克,那邊的那個人要買我們在家庭舊貨大甩賣中的每樣東西。你想這所有的東西值多少

Used toys passed down from older relatives or siblings or bought at yard sales can be worn or frayed , which can be sometimes be harmful 從舊貨市場或親戚朋友的大孩子那里淘來的玩具有可能已經破損,這有就可能會有問題。

In my opinion , it that sounds like a boring yard sale , because the weather was it rained all the day 以我的意見,那聽起來像是一個無聊的庭院銷售,因為整天在下雨。

And unless they ' re at a flea market or a yard sale , they don ' t bother trying to bargain 在美國,除非是跳蚤市場或是舊貨大拍賣,否則人們不會費事去討價還價的。

( b ) the “ yard sale “ processing method has been replaced in the main by the inspection chain ( 2 ) 、 “打地攤”式的作業方式基本被檢修流水線所代替。

In my opinion , that sounds a boring yard sale , because the weather was rained all day 以我的意見,那聽起來像是一個無聊的庭院銷售,因為整天在下雨。

In my opinion , that sounds like a boring yard sale , because it ' s rain all day 以我的意見,那聽起來像是一個無聊的庭院銷售,因為整天在下雨。

Yard sale shopper larry sutton pauses with purchases in trenton , ga 喬治亞州特倫頓市場的一位攤主在攤位旁稍作休息。

I was at the yard sale 我剛才是在義賣會現場

For the whole yard sale thing 慈善義賣那件事?

I was at the yard sale . . 我剛才是在義賣會現場. .

You ' d think these son of bitches would have a yard sale , don ' t you 這些婊子養的看起來要庭院舊貨拍賣,不是嗎

Hey , howard . yard sale , huh 嗨,霍華德,清倉大甩賣?

I got to help sandy with the yard sale 今天我要去sandy的義賣幫忙

I thought you were working at the yard sale 你不是在幫忙義賣嗎?

For the pseudo - charity non . yard sale 去參加那個所謂的慈善義賣了